2012.03.01. 10:14
Good morning!
Let’s check yesterday’s exercises, here are the sentences:
Van egy ruha az ágyon.
There is a dress on the bed.
Van egy furcsa, zöld ember az ablakban.
There is a strange, green man in the window.
Van egy új mobil a táskámban.
There is a new mobile in my bag.
Van néhány könyv a földön.
There are some books on the floor.
Van néhány könyv a földön, az asztal mellett.
There are some books on the floor, next to the table.
Van egy kulcs a szék alatt.
There is a key under the chair.
Van egy napszemüveg (TSZ!) a kocsidban.
There are sunglasses in your car.
Van egy rúzsfolt az ingeden.
There is a lipstick mark on your shirt.
Nincs autó a garázsban.
There isn’t a car in the garage.
Nincsenek gyerekek a medencében.
There aren’t any children in the swimming pool.
Nincs remény.
There isn’t any hope.
There’s no hope.
Két hálószoba van a új házban.
There are two bedrooms in the new house.
Nincs garázs a ház mögött.
There isn’t a garage behind the house.
This is Norma’s new house. THERE ARE six rooms IN the house. The dining room is downstairs. The walls are white and the curtains are yellow. There IS a big table with six chairs. Fluffy, Norma’s cat is UNDER the table. NEXT TO the dining room, there is the living room. The bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs. The garden is BEHIND the house ARE THERE. flowers in the garden? Of course, there are. THERE IS also a big tree in the garden. Norma’s house is really nice.
I hope you got them correct!
Today, there are some new exercises for you:
Bemelegítés, rakjátok helyes sorrendbe a szavakat:
1. always, France, to, go, we, September, in
2. do, do, what, evenings, the, you, in, usually?
3. by, never, work, to, I go, bus
4. your, wife, English, does, speak?
5. like, the, I, in, mornings, jogging,
Szövegértés jön, ha lehet, ne használjatok szótárt!
My best friend lives in a flat in a big city. He lives there with his wife and their dog. The flat is nice and new; it has three rooms, a small bathroom, a kitchen and a balcony. They don’t have a garage, so they park the car on the street. There is a hall in the flat; they keep their coats and shoes there. From the hall we go into the living room, that’s the centre of the flat. The living room is very big; there are two big windows with beige curtains on them. The walls are light yellow. There is a white sofa and some white armchairs in the middle of the room, and a dark carpet. They have some bookshelves, with a lot of books. They also have a TV and a stereo. The other two rooms are the bedroom and the study. My friend is an architect and he works at home, so he needs a room to work in. The balcony also opens from this room. He often drinks his coffee there, when he needs a break from work. The kitchen is quite small, that’s the only problem with the flat. My friend’s wife cooks in it, but they usually eat in the living room.
They love their home because it’s big, comfortable and has a great view of the city.
Válaszoljatok a kérdésekre:
1. Who does he live with?
2. Have they got a dog?
3. Have they got a garage?
4. What is there in the living room?
5. What colour are the walls in the living room?
6. What’s his job?
7. Where does he work?
8. Where is the balcony?
9. What’s the problem with the kitchen?
10.Why is it a nice flat?
Írok néhány kérdést, ezek alapján írjatok a saját otthonotokról (ki szabad egészíteni:))
Do you live in a flat or a house?
Is it old/new/big/small?
How many rooms are there?
Is there a garage/balcony/garden?
What is there in your living room/bedroom/kitchen/garden?
What colour are the walls/curtains/carpets?
Who do you live with?
What do you do in the living room/garden?
Do you like your home? Why? Why not?
Egész kerek dolgot össze lehet ebből hozni, és hasznos!
Utolsó feladat, néhány nehezebb mondat fordítani:
Általában moziba mész a hétvégén?
Nem néz gyakran tévét szombaton.
Reggeli után a fiam mindig iskolába megy.
A férjem néha segít a házimunkában.
A szüleid otthon ebédelnek?
Minden pénteken étterembe megyünk.
Tom sosem vezet, ő mindig gyalog megy munkába. (gyalog: on foot)
Na, mára elég lesz ennyi feladat, jó munkát, holnap délelőtt jövök!
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: feladatmegoldás feladat
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